The league has updated the age groupings for the 2023 Season.
Now you can go by your player's age OR you can use his/her GRADE IN SCHOOL
For instance: if your ball player just turned 15 but is still in 9th grade, he/she can still play on our 14U team without a waiver.
The new groupings look like this:
8U: 7-8 years old OR 2nd or 3rd grade
10U: 9 -10 years old OR 4th or 5th grade
12U: 11-12 years old OR 6th or 7th grade
14U: 13-14 years old OR 8th or 9th grade
As a league, we hope this change helps keep teammates together longer. And also allows us all to keep players playing at a level where they are most comfortable.
Click HERE to Register
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, let us know.